Prayer for the beatification of the servant of God Zita
God, our Father, You have redeemed the world through the lowering of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
He who was king became a servant and gave His life for the multitude. That is why You have exalted him.
Grant we beseech You that Your Servant Zita, empress and queen, be raised up on the altars of Your Church.
In her, You give us an admirable example of faith and hope in the face of trials, as well as an unwavering trust in your divine Providence.
We pray that together with her husband, the Blessed Emperor Charles, Zita become a model of love and conjugal fidelity for couples and a teacher of Christian education for families.
May she be for all an example of service and love for others, she who in every circumstance was able to open her heart to all, especially the poorest.
Through her intercession, answer our prayer (formulate it here). We ask You through Jesus, the Christ our Lord. Amen.
A Father Our, three Hail Mary and one Glory to the Father.
Imprimatur: 9 July 2009,† Mgr. Yves Le Saux, former bishop of Le Mans.